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Camel Saddles!

When I had first been told that we would be recieving a camel saddle as a gift, I have to admit that I had this, pictured in my head …

But to my surprise, Windy Hill Ranch has aquired a beautiful, handcrafted, Tuareg Camel Saddle! Here are some pictures of the saddle.

Forked horn Tuareg Camel Saddles are made by lashing wood together with rawhide and covering it with colored leather, then adorning them with silver, copper and brass ornaments. Most were made in Agadez, Niger, by blacksmiths… Much Tuareg art is in the form of jewelry, leather and metal saddle decorations, and finely crafted swords.

The Tuareg camel saddle sits on two to four saddle-cloths in front of the camel’s hump, over its strong shoulders, while the rider sits cross-legged with his feet on the camel’s neck… This also gives the rider more control over the camel with the use of shorter reins and pressure from the riders feet on the camels neck.

The Tuareg camels are extremely nomadic. They must constantly travel in order to find food and water, so it is no surprise that the camels are significantly thinner there. The Tuareg camel saddle is fashioned for these thin camels.

Compared to the lovely Tallulah of Windy Hill Ranch.

A Tuareg camel saddle just won’t do for such a strong camel! 🙂

Notice how it sits perched on top instead of nice and snug against her.

Some of the information on this entry was taken from this website. If you would like more information on different saddles from around the world just click this site. As always, clicking on the pics will make them bigger.

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The Budweiser Commercials

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Sydney Australia Part 1

First, I begin with the Botanical Gardens. It was so big that I had to come back another day! Here are just a few shots.

For the people of El Campeon Farms … I had to take a picture of this.

For Lou, I know how much you adore our Oaks … so here are some stunning fig trees of Sydney.

Yes .. those are sleeping bats! Sssshhhh!

The thrill of my visit was to be able to see cockatoos on the the wild!

They spent most of the daylight on the ground, searching for food.

A view of the Opera House and the Sydney Harbor Bridge from the Botanical Gardens.

Let’s visit the Opera House!

I love the way the sun hits the Opera House here.

A view of the city and of the Harbor Bridge from the Opera House.

This is a view of the city from Darling Harbor. I was at the top of a light house when I took this picture. See the tall tower? It’s the Sydney Sky Tower. My hotel was near it. This tower became my “North Star” as I explored Sydney. 🙂

Darling Harbor

What a cool fountain!

The Sydney Aquarium! Yes, I took a TON of pictures, but didn’t want to bore you. (I think I may have a small obsession with the animal kind!) *wink* Here are just a few highlights.

An Australian Fur Seal.. which is not a seal at all but a sea lion!

I swear this squid was flirting with me! He kept dancing around and changing colors in front of me. I wish the camera could have captured his beautiful display, but he deserved having his picture taken!

OK.. this was just plain to funny not to take a picture and share!

*Don’t forget you can make a picture bigger by clicking on it! *

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Cate wants nothing to do with the corn stalks at first and decides to engage in her favorite activity instead…. stealing my hoof pick right out of my back pocket!

But soon enough she discovers that the corn stalks aren’t going to eat her and that they are a rather tasty treat indeed!

Lovable was the first to actually give them a taste and oddly enough, Spartacus wanted nothing to do with them at all!

Pippi is enjoying her own tasty treat.

Now all the donkeys are enjoying them together!

This behavioral enrichment was so enriching, that the very next day, the donkeys were all very interested in the left over stalks and there wasn’t one left uneaten. *as always clicking on the pics makes them larger.*

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Corn Stalks

Today we explore corn stalks as behavioral enrichment (As always clicking on the pics make them larger. )

First up…. Chiva!




Tallulah LOVES the corn stalks and ate every last bit!

Chubasco decides he’d like to give them a taste.

And he ends up scaring himself as he picks up the corn stalk!

Bella is wondering where all the kleenex boxes are!

And this has nothing to do with corn stalks but how could I resist?!? All 4 sheep are together and ready for me to take their picture! 🙂

The corn stalks proved to be a great B.E. choice! What ever was left that day was finished off the following day. It was a huge hit with the mini donkeys and Cate too! We’ll see pics of that next week. 🙂

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And now a special treat! I present to you a few stolen moments from a show! Thank you Michelle for the pics! (as always clicking on the pics will make them larger.)

Hello Pippi! Say “hi” to everyone.

Demonstrating how she learns to do a circle with the target pole! (I look like I’m about to sneeze!)

Pippi properly demonstrating the BIGGEST difference between a horse and a donkey!

Pippi doing what she does best and interacting with the kids. 🙂

And now for the star of the show…. HELLO SPARTACUS!

Spartacus showing us how excited he is to perform. What a buck!

Once I get a much larger one, I’ll be able to light it on fire and get him to jump through it! JUST KIDDING!

Speaking of jumping…. Look at that form!

Demonstrating his basketball skills…. Kobe eat your heart out!

Oh and he’s handy too… showing us all, how throwing our trash away is better for the environment!

And the grand finale…. All the way over!

Take a bow Spartacus… You deserve the applause!

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Ah the specimens! Your basic empty kleenex box (plastic removed)

Now filled with carrots!

Plastic Arrowhead water jug. Removed pull out tab.

Cut holes and add carrots.

Now it’s time for some fun! *remember that by clicking on each picture it will get bigger* And there is Bella, already with a kleenex box shoved on her nose!

Tallulah investigates the new carrot jug.

Oh and what a surprise…. Bella with a box on her nose! On her way to try to add one more on top!

Tallulah with a mouth full of carrots. Easy pickings from the kleenex boxes.

Oh … look who’s back… Bella! Yep once again nose in box, trying for another!

Let’s not forget the alpacas! They prefer to scavenge for the carrots left behind. No nose diving for them!

In case you had forgotten…. there’s Bella yet again!

Hello Boys!

Tallulah attacks!

And wins!

Yes Bella… you are too darn cute!

Tallulah and Bella …. love at first kleenex box …

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Meet Bella. Look at her. She’s gotta face any mother would love! Everytime I train her, you will often here me say, “Bella, you’re the best!!!”

Bella… would you like to show them all what you can do?

How about a wave?

A wave hello Bella… You remember…

Yes! That’s it! Hello Bella. 🙂 Now how about showing them a circle?

You know… a circle? (I’m beginning to think we should have rehearsed!)

Yay what a beautiful circle! Perhaps we should stop while we are ahead. Would you like to wave goodbye?

Bella you are the best! Look at the BIG wave goodbye!

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Once again the fabulous Bingo is enjoying a rather LARGE box. Victoria, job couch for ARC, brought this one in just for him. 🙂 From the looks of it, I’d say he had a lot of fun! *As always, clicking on the picture will make it bigger.*

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This week, I grabbed a large box, and the ARC crew, and we all went down to Bingo’s pasture to watch him have some fun. He loves his boxes!!!! (click on each photo for a larger version)

“I ‘nose’ you gotta box for me!”

Let the destruction begin!

Boy, that sure didn’t take long!

Ha Ha box! Take that!”

Nothing like enjoying your conquest.”

And so, Bingo and his box, ride out into the sunset …

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